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Codes & Ciphers Discovery

Year 3 only

Join Emma and Jack at story time as Granny helps them to find out what went on at Bletchley Park during WW2: how the German Enigma operators tried to keep their messages secret, how they sent them and how the Codebreakers listened in to these messages. Who will be the best at understanding Morse code, spotting patterns and figuring out other secret messages? What hidden codebreaking skills do your students have?

During this session students will:

  • Learn more about secrets: about what a secret is, when it is important to keep a secret and who secrets should be shared with.

  • Find out how ciphers were used to keep information secret during WW2 and use a real Enigma machine.

  • Use and develop their team-working and problem-solving skills to solve puzzles and break codes.

Subject Focus: Maths

Additional curriculum links: History

Careless Talk Costs Lives

Years 3 and 4


Loose Lips Sink Ships. Make Do and Mend. Look Out in the Blackout. Dig For Victory. Students will investigate everyday life during WW2, including its social and material challenges, by finding out about Codebreakers’ lives: the secrecy, the shortages, the blackout and their jobs.

During this session students will:

  • Think about the role of secrecy during WW2 and at Bletchley Park in particular, deciding for themselves what information it is safe to share and what must be kept secret.

  • Explore the challenges war posed on the home front including rationing and getting about in the blackout.

  • Handle wartime objects and clothing, comparing them to the modern-day equivalents and drawing their own conclusions about how and why they have changed.

  • Students will also have the opportunity to see an Enigma machine and have a go at Morse code.

Subject Focus: History

Additional curriculum links: Maths

Connected Devices

Years 3 and 4


Our homes and schools are becoming ever more connected places. Children routinely use toys, tablets and televisions that connect to each other and the internet. But how are networks and connected devices kept safe and secure?

Through practical activities and interactive demonstrations, students will:

  • Consider how they use connected devices.

  • Learn how a Wi-Fi network connects devices together.

  • Use mathematical reasoning to understand why password security is vital to keeping them safe online.

  • Create their own secure, unique and memorable password.

Subject Focus: Computing

Additional curriculum links: Maths

This session does not include an Enigma machine demonstration.

Codes & Ciphers

Years 4, 5 and 6
On-site or outreach


From Ancient Greece to the modern day, people have been using increasingly complex codes and ciphers with the intention of communicating secretly and keeping information secure. Enigma was one such cipher. Students will enjoy the rare opportunity to use a genuine Enigma machine as well as encountering a range of historical codes and ciphers as they work together to decipher messages in order to solve a puzzle. This session includes an Enigma machine demonstration

During this session students will:

  • Increase their knowledge of codes and ciphers and their uses throughout history.

  • Develop their understanding of the role that ciphers played during WW2, with specific reference to the Enigma machine and the wider operations of Bletchley Park.

  • Use and develop team working, problem solving and mathematical thinking skills, applying them to a practical codebreaking task.

Subject Focus: Maths

Additional curriculum links: History

Interception to Intelligence: Battle of the Atlantic

Years 5 and 6


It is 1941 and the Battle of the Atlantic is at its height. Numerous convoys of essential supplies are being sunk by German Wolf packs and Britain is close to surrender. In the role of codebreakers, students will intercept and decipher German Naval communications in order to plan a strategy to get the next convoy safely to Liverpool. This session includes an Enigma machine demonstration.

During this session students will:

  • Develop their knowledge and understanding of WW2 events and the role of Bletchley Park in the Battle of the Atlantic.

  • Briefly describe the process of decryption at Bletchley Park, from when a message is first intercepted until the intelligence is used.

  • Apply team working, problem-solving and strategic thinking skills to obtain and apply scenario-based intelligence.

Subject Focus: History

Additional curriculum links: Geography; Maths

Interception to Intelligence: D-Day

Years 5 and 6


It is the early hours of 6 June 1944. Weather prevented Operation Overlord commencing in the early hours of June 5 so today is the best, and perhaps last, chance the Allies have of beginning the invasion of German-occupied Western Europe. Numerous deception plans have been put into place to fool the enemy and protect Allied troops. In the role of codebreakers, students will intercept and decipher German communications in order to decide if the deception plans have been successful and whether it is safe to proceed with the invasion. This session includes an Enigma machine demonstration.

During this session students will:

  • Develop their knowledge and understanding of WW2 events and the role of Bletchley Park in the D-Day landings.

  • Briefly describe the process of decryption at Bletchley Park, from when a message is first intercepted until the intelligence is used.

  • Apply team working, problem-solving and strategic thinking skills to obtain and apply scenario-based intelligence.

Subject Focus: History

Additional curriculum links: Geography; Maths

Securing our Cyber World 

Years 5 and 6
Onsite or outreach


All connected devices use passwords logins, and brand-new kit is increasingly including fingerprint and facial recognition technology. Your students use them all day, every day, but do they have any ideas how these logins actually work? This workshop allows students to apply a wide range of the mathematic principles they are learning at school, whilst learning about their own personal cyber security.  

Through discussion, interactive demonstrations and practical activities, students will: 

  • Consider the devices and apps they use that are secured using logins. 

  • Establish mathematically why the best passwords are random, complex and long. 

  • Apply their knowledge of geometry to investigate how biometric sensors use angles, lengths and ratios to identify unique individuals. 

Subject Focus: Computing 

Additional curriculum links: Maths 

This session does not include an Enigma machine demonstration.  

Safe Cracking Challenge

Years 5 and 6
Outreach only – Session only available to classes who have completed the ‘Securing our Cyber World’ workshop


Combine your new cyber security knowledge with code-breaking skills with the safe cracking challenge. Groups of students work as a team to solve six puzzles leading to the combination of a locked safe containing a secret prize.

Through practical activities, students will: 

  • Decode a hash algorithm. 

  • Brute-force attack a weak password created using personal data. 

  • Apply the mathematics of biometrics.

  • Investigate binary pixels

  • Send and receive an encrypted message using a radio. 

Subject Focus: Computing 

Additional curriculum links: Maths 

This session does not include an Enigma machine demonstration. 

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